Desktop app


Bspec is a global B2B email provider that helps businesses with email marketing campaigns. As a leading email provider, Bspec needs to be able to collect and analyze data from various sources on the internet. They needed a reliable system that could collect data, parse the raw data, and analyze it. This is where our Katsumot Operations Desktop Software Solution comes in.


Bspec needed to collect data from various sources, including websites, social media, and other online platforms. This data needed to be organized and analyzed to provide valuable insights to their clients. However, the process of collecting, organizing, and analyzing data can be time-consuming and challenging. Bspec needed a solution that could automate these processes and provide reliable results.


To address Bspec’s challenges, we created the Katsumot Operations Desktop Software Solution. This software solution collects structured and unstructured data from various sources on the internet. The collected data is then parsed into structured data using algorithms and OpenAI API. The structured data then goes through a qualification process, which is done manually using the operational data system we built.

The operational data system enables Bspec to manage the qualification process efficiently. This system includes a user-friendly interface for managing data, generating reports, and monitoring progress. The system is also scalable, meaning that it can handle large amounts of data and can be adapted to meet the changing needs of Bspec’s clients.

The Katsumot Operations Desktop Software Solution has enabled Bspec to provide its clients with valuable insights from various sources on the internet. The system has improved Bspec’s efficiency in collecting, organizing, and analyzing data, enabling them to provide better services to their clients. With the help of our software solution, Bspec has been able to increase its client base and grow its business.

The Katsumot Operations Desktop Software Solution has provided Bspec with a reliable system for collecting and analyzing data. This has helped Bspec to improve its services and grow its business. Our software solution has shown that it is possible to automate complex processes and provide reliable results, helping businesses to succeed in the digital age.